Thursday, December 26, 2013


“Diversity is an invaluable source of talent, creativity and experience.
It comprises all the differences in culture, religion, nationality, race,
ethnicity, gender, age and social origin – in short, everything
that makes the individual singular and unique within society.”

                                ~ Siemens (n.d.)

            For this week’s assignment we were asked to view the video of George Siemens.  In this video, Georg Siemens discussed the growing acceptance of distance education in today’s corporate and educational spheres, including three possible elements of distance education that are creating more effective learning experiences and giving distance education an identity of its own distinct from face-to-face courses: (a) global diversity, (b) communications, and (c) collaborative interaction (Laureate, 2008).  We were asked if we agreed or disagreed with his view.  We were then asked to select one of these three elements for reflection in this module and respond to the following in our blog:

1.         How has this element evolved?  As technology advances so does the transformation of distance learning.  Personally, I have seen the element of global diversity in distance education evolve since I began my own educational journey in the summer of 2005.  The number and types of individuals who are making the choice of learning in a distance educational environment seem to be growing each year.  With each new class I take there seems to be more and more classmates who reside outside of the United States.  As technology continues to advance so will the global diversity element of distance education. 

2.         What online tools are available today to facilitate these interactions among learners?  Online tools such as Blackboard, Skype and social media sites such as Facebook allow students to communicate easier than ever before.  Personally, I love the discussion aspects of the distance education classroom.  I feel I learn more from my classmates in this manner than I ever did in a face-to-face classroom environment.

Guiding principles for promoting and managing diversity. (n.d.). Siemens global website.
          Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). The future of distance education.  [Video   
            webcast].  Retrieved from
            jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher  %  




Wednesday, December 11, 2013


“We need technology in every classroom and in every 
student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen
and paper of our time, and it is the lens through
which we experience much of our world.”
                                                                        ~ David Warlick

For this week’s assignment we were asked to read three articles by Moller, Huett, Foshay and Coleman.  Then we needed to listen to the Simonson video programs.  Once this was completed we were asked to compare and contrast the reasons these authors believe there is a need to evolve distance education to the next generation.  We were then asked whether or not we agree with their positions and explain why or why not?

Michael Simonson stated “Today, distance education is widely adopted and approaching critical mass in society (Laureate, 2008a)”.  Advantages of distance education (DE) are, but not limited to: provides equivalent learning experiences to those in face-to-face instruction; possibly offer increased return on investment for institutions; students may gain by not having to drive to campus or give up jobs; possibly increase a student’s motivation to learn; and provide increased access for students (Laureate, 2008b). 

In regards to the Moller, Huett, Foshay and Coleman articles, there is also positive reference by the authors about moving forward with distance education to the next generation (Moller et al., 2008).  All seem to agree that there will be challenges in evolving the field as well as challenges in assuring that the “products of sound professional design practice lead the e-learning enterprise” (Moller, et al., 2008).  Examples of these challenges are, but not limited to:  Making sure online learning experiences are equivalent to face-to-face classroom experiences (Simonson, 2000);  policymakers need to understand the value of distance education, especially in the K-12 learning sector (Huett et al., 2008);  and finding methods that focus on the best way to facilitate learning (Simonson, 2000).

I agree with the positions stated above.  I personally have earned three degrees in a distance education online environment.  When I was working on my BA I had the pleasure of being enrolled in UMASS Amherst’s University Without Walls program.  This was the first time I took any online courses, let alone earning an entire degree.  My two MS degrees were earned with Walden University.  During the last seven years I have seen distance education evolving (i.e. it is now more accepted, the offered degrees are greater in numbers, etc.).  I can only imagine what distance education is going to be like in the future.

Huett, J., Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Coleman, C. (2008, September/October). The evolution of  

          distance education: Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web

          (Part 3: K12). TechTrends, 52(5). 63-67. 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008a). Distance Education: The next generation.  [Video   

          webcast].  Retrieved from



Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008b). Equivalency Theory. [Video webcast].  Retrieved  




Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Huett, J. (2008, May/June). The evolution of distance education:

          Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web (Part 1: Training and

          development). TechTrends, 52(3), 70-75.

Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Huett, J. (2008, May/June). The evolution of distance education:

          Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web (Part 2: Higher education).

          TechTrends, 52(4), 66-70.

Simonson, M. (2000). Making decisions: The use of electronic technology in online classes. New

          Directions for Teaching and Learning, 84, 29-34.